Monday, August 2, 2010

car accidents...

Car accidents are horrible. The feeling you have as a driver is indescribable. So far in my life, I can't remember anything worse. It's just this incredible sinking feeling right in your stomach. And the worst is when it keeps haunting you.. 3 weeks after it happened.. when it should've been over and done with.. 3 weeks ago. I was driving me and 3 of my friends (Laura, Con and Dakota) to Farmington Pool. When I turned the corner down an aisle looking for an open parking stall, she backed into me. The guy sittin in the Shutters and Blinds truck said we should call the cops.. but then we couldn't find out the police number and the guy said the city hall message said to just call 911.. so i had to call that even though you're not supposed to unless its an emergency!! So finally a cop from farmington came and then said he couldnt even cover the accident since both him and the girl worked for the city. So then he called in an officer from Centerville who finally arrived.. after an hour!! Then the farmington and centerville cop talked!! which seems SO bogus!! since the farmington cop wasn't even supposed to be there! you can't talk if you're not supposed to be there.. then the cville cop came and asked what happened. I said, "I came around the corner and she backed into me." Quoted. Exactly. Then in his police report he wrote that I said I might've been going to fast. ...?!?!? excuse me? First of all, I wasn't!! i wasn't speeding. Second, He never asked me that and i never said that! Third, even if i was.. i wouldn't have ever said that to a cop!! hey yeah let me just tell you how bad i am so i can get a ticket and have it written up as my fault. NO. i'm not stupid. plus, i wasn't speeding!!! ugh annoyance. so then the girls insurance company wouldn't pay for my damages. My dad called the cville cop and left a message saying I never said that and all this stuff and asked him to call back, but he never did. So my dad filed a small claims case against the insurance company and the girls dad since he's the owner and we're going to court on thursday. which is so pointless!! and then my dad called the chief of police today to find out about the police report. and when the chief pulled it up, he said it doesn't even say anything about me saying i was going too fast now. which means either the girls insurance company is full of crap or the cop went and removed that part after my dad left the message. and NOW.. the girls insurance is saying that they won't pay because i was "distracted by construction vehicles in the road and my passengers messing with the radio and distracting me." First of all.. how are they supposed to know my passengers were distracting me?.. BULL!!! cuz they weren't. laura was sitting in the back texting and con and dakota were just chilling there lookin around. Second, the only construction vehicles were like at least 50 feet away up on the curb by the new city hall. not even close to where the accident was. i'm so upset.. and now the girls saying that we didn't even hit until she was already backed out of her stall!! which is not even physically possible!! cuz the dents and scrapes are on my passenger side doors and don't start til halfway throught the front passenger door. and then run along the whole side of my car from there. that is all such bull. i'm so annoyed.. just realized you're at fault and pay the damages. its not like the damages are an outrageous amount. okay sorry, the end. i'm done ranting.

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